715-723-1146. OPEN: Monday through Thursday 9am-7pm, Friday 9am-5:30pm & Saturday 9am-1pm. infoservice@mycfpl.org
Coming this Spring…Roast the Movie!

Coming this Spring…Roast the Movie!

Coming this Spring… Roast the Movie Are you 13-18 years old? Do you enjoy picking movies apart? Do you get a kick out of plot holes? Have you ever gasped or laughed out loud about bad acting, outdated or poorly aged plots, goofy special effects, or odd soundtrack...
Monday Mysteries

Monday Mysteries

Monday, February 17th from 1- 3pm Challenge yourself to solve mysteries large and small! This drop-in program will feature scavenger hunts, brain teasers, and knowledge quests for elementary age kids-who will solve them all?
Teen Studio

Teen Studio

Monday, February 17 4-6pm (drop-in) Drop by the Wissota Room on your own or bring friends to hang out and make a variety of things. Supplies will be available for Shrinky Dinks (by popular demand!), canvas painting, poster making, and more! Bring your own Switch or...
SAMA: Boba Slime

SAMA: Boba Slime

Monday, March 24 from 4:30-6pm Society for the Appreciation of Manga and Anime is open to all 6-12th graders. We meet every other month, typically the last or second to last Monday of the month. In March, we will make boba slime. Snacks and coloring supplies will be...

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