715-723-1146. OPEN: Monday through Thursday 9am-7pm, Friday 9am-5:30pm & Saturday 9am-1pm. infoservice@mycfpl.org

Calendar of Events

Chippewa Falls Public Library flyer detailing multiple ongoing programs, including legal clinic, tech help, crochet, knitting, book club, puzzle exchange, and writers society.

Spring Break At Your Library!

Monday, March 10th from 10am - 2pm (drop in) Balloon Car Racing Drop by the Children’s Area to use balloons and other supplies to see how far your car can go down the track. Adult supervision and...
Collage featuring a magnifying glass with the word "JOB," people collaborating at a computer, a laptop with a digital resume, and a handshake, centered around the Job Center of Wisconsin logo.

Job Center Outreach Event

Monday, February 24 from 9 to NOON. Open to the public Walk-in's welcome First come, first served Workforce development staff and computers will be available 1:1 Staff Assistance with: Searching for...
A logo with a red Joy-Con symbol and the words "switch it up" in white text surrounding it on a black background.

Switch It Up

Friday, March 14. Drop-In 1-3pm Drop by the Teen Area to play a wide selection of Switch games. You are welcome to bring your own device or take turns borrowing our Switchlite. Snacks will be...
A checkered surface with one square lifted, revealing red light and the text "BREAKOUT BOXES."

Break-Out Boxes & Bags

March 11-14. Drop-in 9-3pm In the Children's Area Back by popular demand! Solve puzzles, clues, secret codes, and word problems to break into the boxes and bags! Anyone who successfully breaks the...
Illustration titled "Rubber Duck Cosplay" with five uniquely styled ducks.

Rubber Duck Cosplay

Monday, March 10. Drop-in 4-6pm Dip your toes in the water with cosplay! Each participant will get one or more rubber ducks and then the sky is the limit! You can also make yourself a button or...
Artistic poster for movie nights featuring vintage TVs with a woman's face and red theater seats.

Coming this Spring…Roast the Movie!

Coming this Spring… Roast the Movie Are you 13-18 years old? Do you enjoy picking movies apart? Do you get a kick out of plot holes? Have you ever gasped or laughed out loud about bad acting,...

Monday Mysteries

Monday, February 17th from 1- 3pm Challenge yourself to solve mysteries large and small! This drop-in program will feature scavenger hunts, brain teasers, and knowledge quests for elementary age...
letters teen studio written on the top of the page with random colored shapes and swooshes, words in the wissota room for the location. date is Monday, February 17 and time is drop in from 4:00pm until 6:00pm.

Teen Studio

Monday, February 17 4-6pm (drop-in) Drop by the Wissota Room on your own or bring friends to hang out and make a variety of things. Supplies will be available for Shrinky Dinks (by popular demand!),...
Blue letters SAMA which stands for Society for the Appreciation of Manga and Anime with the letters BOBA SLIME under it with bright blue colors.

SAMA: Boba Slime

Monday, March 24 from 4:30-6pm Society for the Appreciation of Manga and Anime is open to all 6-12th graders. We meet every other month, typically the last or second to last Monday of the month. In...
graphic with an open book and a cup of hot chocolate promoting the teen read-ins events


Wednesday, February 19 4:30-6:30pm Read-In Drop by the Teen Area for hot chocolate and snacks. We’ll have books set out to book taste, or bring your own to read.

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